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Marketing Opportunities for Exhibitors

Online & Direct Marketing Opportunities


Top Page Banner Ad - $750

Tower Ad or Coupon (right side of page) - $500

Create a web banner or coupon to be posted on our site with a link back to your website to promote your company. Our advertising campaign directs consumers to the website to “learn more” about the Show, while the exhibitors utilize the site to obtain all their pre-show information. Be part of the exposure!

EMAIL BLAST - $500 (3 available)

Advertiser to supply verbiage and logo to be included in one of three email blasts sent out to a list of over 4,000 past Show attendees promoting the current Show.

DIRECT MAIL - $1,000

The Lowcountry Home & Garden Show will directly mail an oversized postcard to a targeted list of year-round homeowners fitting the demographic profile of those most interested in home remodeling and gardening products. Direct mail advertiser will be provided the back panel of postcard to advertise company and encourage consumer to visit their booth at the Show.

SHOW GUIDE - Ad Prices Vary Based on Size & Specs

Reach thousands as an advertiser in the Island Packet’s Official Guide to the Lowcountry Home & Garden Show set to publish as a special pullout section in The Island Packet. Your message will reach over 90,000 daily newspaper readers, as well as every attendee at the Show. A number of advertising options are available. Contact The Island Packet at (843)706-8201 or Show staff for rate details.

Marketing at the Show & Beyond

Sponsorship Opportunities


What better way to stand out from the crowd than to have the entire Lowcountry Home & Garden Show presented by your company? Sponsor package includes a host of benefits including, company inclusion whenever and wherever the name Lowcountry Home & Garden Show is mentioned or advertised, exhibit space, media interviews, website exposure, seminar opportunities and much, much more! Contact Show staff for a detailed description of Presenting Sponsor Package.

WELCOME BAG - $1,500 plus bags (1 available)

Opportunity to distribute bags with company logo at front entrances of Show. A great way to create awareness and be a “walking billboard” at the Show and beyond!

ENTRANCE & EXIT DISTRIBUTION - $1,500 (2 available)

Want to get your product, promotional item or information in the hands of everyone? Entrance and exit rights are available to Show exhibitors who want to pass out promotional items and information to Show attendees as they enter or exit the Show.

SEMINAR STAGE - $2,500 plus logistical setup (1 available)

Play host to the seminar stage where hundreds will be drawn to the Show’s daily home improvement, cooking and gardening seminars and workshops. The Show will promote seminar stage sponsor within Show advertising and marketing efforts.

SPRING PLANT SALE - $2,500 plus logistical setup (1 available)

Be the exclusive nursery to host the annual Lowcountry Home & Garden Show’s spring plant sale at the Show! The Show will promote the spring plant sale and your company within Show advertising and marketing efforts. Spring plant sale will be located in the outdoor exhibit area, directly across from the Seminar Stage.

BANNER - $500 plus banner (6 available)

Make your presence known! Banner sponsors will be provided choice (subject to availability) of aerial wall location to display company banner.

EXHIBITOR BADGE LANYARD - $2000 (1 available)

Each and every Show exhibitor and volunteer will be required to identify themselves by displaying an Exhibitor Name Badge during Show hours. As the exhibitor badge lanyard sponsor your lanyard with company logo or name will be worn by all exhibitors and seen by attendees!

EXHIBITOR HOSPITALITY TENT - $150 per day (3 available)

An Exhibitor Hospitality Room will be located at the Show as a location for exhibitors and their staff to take a break throughout Show hours. Daily exhibitor hospitality Room sponsors will be provided the opportunity to display banners, hand out promotional materials and directly interact with Show exhibitors.

CELEBRITY - All Celebrity Charges

Bring in a celebrity or spokesperson to be sponsored by your company (i.e., HGTV’s Genevieve Gorder presented by J. Banks Design). The Show will promote the celebrity and your company within Show advertising and marketing efforts. Celebrity will have the opportunity to do media interviews, presentations on seminar stage and sign autographs in your booth location.


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